(背景補充:幣安上線Sats後接盤反漲!最大贏家賣出3,600萬美元銘文獲利出場 )
以太坊二層網路Arbitrum One於台灣時間今天凌晨恢復了正常運作,同時Gas費用也已穩定。該網路的排序器在台灣時間昨晚 23:29 暫停運作,並於今晨 00:57 重新啟動。Arbitrum團隊指出,此次中斷是因為銘文交易數量激增,導致排序器無法正常處理交易。
We'd like to thank the community for their patience and understanding while we investigate this issue.
Gas prices on Arbitrum One have stabilized, and operations are back to normal.
We're continuing to gather more information and will provide a full post-mortem in the coming… https://t.co/8Eqza17Uhq
— Arbitrum (💙,🧡) (@arbitrum) December 15, 2023
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